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2021 MarComm Pivots to Market More Effectively to Women

Want to grow in the COVID world? Here are five things you should do now.

Most organizations are entering the 2021 planning season facing more growth challenges than ever. Market dynamics have shifted unexpectedly and dramatically with 2020 spending focused on surviving the COVID world. How will a brand grow its sales? how will an association grow its membership? How will a company recruit and retain top talent?

Women already make the majority of the consumer buying decisions, and have for decades. Now, women are earning more advanced degrees than ever, and for the first time in the medical professions, are earning more advanced degrees than men. Want to grow sales, membership or talent? Focus on women in the COVID world.

The trends that have emerged during COVID are, in many cases, trends that have been bubbling up among women in recent years - think childcare, the cost of education, working from home, access to technology, telehealth, career and personal aspirations.

The past six months have brought to the surface and accelerated important topics that many parents, moms in particular, have been wrestling with for years.

Want to plan for growth in 2021? Work with your female consumers, customers and association members to help solve some of these pressing issues. Here are five things you can incorporate into your 2021 planning, or start now, to grow:

1. Set up LISTENING tools and understand the top needs for YOUR consumers or members

2. AUDIT competitive and comparative organizations to understand their approaches

3. PARTNER with like-minded organizations and innovative start-ups to create optimal impact

4. Look and feel different in your efforts with fresh DESIGN, images, words and marketing communications programming

5. Consider a signature commitment, like a CHIEF FAMILY OFFICER

Want to learn more or talk through how you can improve your approach? This work is our passion at KS Consulting & Capital. Connect directly with Kelley Skoloda at